Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Weeks 4 & 5

Last week was a little crazy with Thanksgiving, so I forgot to post.  AND I forgot to take measurements this week and last week, so I'll have to update that next week.  Here are my weight stats for the past 2 weeks:

Week 4:  133.2 pounds-.89% weekly loss-3.9% total loss
Week 5:  132.2 pounds-.75% weekly loss-4.62% total loss

Not too shabby.  I'm almost to my second reward goal of 130! 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Week #3

Sorry I didn't post yesterday.  Here are my stats as of this week:

Weight: 134.4-.74% weekly loss-3.03% total loss
Waist: 31 inches-1.5 inch weekly loss-3 inch total loss
Hips: 37.5 inches-no weekly loss-1/2 inch total loss
Neck: 11.5 inches-no weekly loss-1/2 inch total loss

I am a little bummed I only lost inches in my waist, but I'm trying not to dwell on that too much because I am still losing.  Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Week #2

Here are my stats for this weigh in:

Weight: 135.4 pounds-1.02% weekly loss-2.31% total loss
Waist: 33.5 inches-no weekly loss-1/2 inch loss total
Neck: 11.5 inches-no weekly loss-1/2 inch loss total
Hips: 37.5 inches-no weekly loss-1/2 inch loss total

So no loss in inches, but a small loss in weight.  A loss is a loss right? 

I've read before that the less you eat of something, the less you will crave it.  I never believed that because how could I possibly not crave chocolate?  Well, it turns out it's totally true!  Tuesday is my designated cheat day and I can eat whatever I want.  I chose Tuesday because Tony plays basketball on Tuesday nights, so after the girls go to bed, I have some quality time with myself and I catch up on all my recorded shows.  Although I almost always watch Gilmore Girls.  Well, in the past, I would open a bag of Doritos, a box of Swiss Cake Rolls, and a carton of juice and let loose.  However, the past couple of weeks I have been trying so hard not to eat those things so last night when I went to the store, I grabbed a bag of Doritos and then thought to myself, "I don't even want these" and put it back on the shelf.  I even bought a bag of sliced apples!  For those that know me well, know that I would NEVER buy sliced apples instead of chips.  Then when Tony left I didn't even want the snack cakes!  It was so amazing!  I did eat a cookie from Chick Fil A, but I ate it slowly instead of demolishing it in 2 minutes.  Progress my friends!  See you next week!