Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our growing girl

Just wanted to give you an update on Jasmine.  She went in for her 2 month check up on Thursday.  She's now 8.2 pounds! She's now on the full term baby charts at 3% for weight!  Woo hoo!  She's still not on the charts for height and head circumference, but she's getting there.  She's also doing everything a full term 2 month old would be doing so the doctor doesn't think she'll be very far behind, if at all, in her development.  Another WOO HOO! At her appointment, I talked to the pediatrician about Jasmine's spitting up.  She does it a TON! I figured she has reflux like Gabby did.  So I asked for a prescription for Zantac.  She wrote one, but she also wanted us to go to Cooks Children's to get an ultra sound done to see if she has pyloric stenosis.  I didn't think she had it because her only symptom was excessive spitting up/vomiting.  But she's the doctor, so I took her to the ER that night.  The doctor there examined her and said he didn't think it was pyloric stenosis either.  He said it was just reflux and to keep her on the Zantac and use Enfamil AR formula (for acid reflux).  She still spits up, but it's near not as much, so what we're doing is working.  

Gabby LOVES her little sister!  She crawls up to her and leans over her and kisses her over and over.  It's so sweet!  And if she wimpers or cries, Gabby starts to yell at us to go get her.  She's such a good big sister :) I can't wait for Gabby's 1 year appointment next month to see how big she is now.  She's almost walking!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Study

So I was on Pinterest a few minutes ago (part of my "me" time) and I saw a pin about a new study linking the patience a mother has with her child and how smart the child is.  As most of you know, patience is not one of my strengths, so I was very intrigued by this.  I don't want my lack of patience hindering my children.  So, of course, I pinned it so I can always refer back to it and I followed the pin to this blog (there's a link to the entire study about half way down the page).  In a nutshell, the children of the mothers who were patient with them in a frustrating situation had a 10% increase in an area of the brain that controls short and long term memory. Check it out-it's very interesting!  I'm starting "new year resolution" 3 months late to be more patient with the girls.  I'm pretty patient with them during the day, but at night when I'm at my wit's end, I tend to get a bit snappy.  What do you think about the study?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Homemade Cleaning

So I haven't been on Pinterest as much as I used to be.  I may get a few minutes every couple of days to pin some things.  A while back I pinned a homemade stain remover.  It apparently is amazing.  I've been meaning to make it and try it for a couple months now and today I finally did! It's so simple.

2 parts hydrogen peroxide
1 part dawn dishwashing soap

I used it on one of Gabby's dresses.  She got chocolate on the white portion of it.  So I made the cleaner, poured some on the stain and let it sit for a while. It got it completely out!!!  I should have taken before and after pictures.  Here is the link to the blog I pinned it from:

The same blog also has a recipe for NO grate homemade laundry detergent.  I've pinned a couple different recipes but they require you to grate fels naptha soap and I'm just too lazy to do it.  When I saw this I had to try it, so I made a batch of this as well.

3 Tbs Borax
3 Tbs washing soda
2 Tbs Dawn

Put the ingredients in a gallon jug, pour in 4 cups of boiling water.  Swirl it around until the ingredients have dissolved.  Let it cool then fill the jug almost to the top with cold water.  The bubbles will flow out of the top of the jug.  We have an HE washer and dryer and this worked fine in ours.  It's still low suds from what I could tell.  I used it on a load of towels and they still smelled clean and looked that way too.  Here's the link to that post:  She has a lot of awesome stuff on there.  Happy cleaning!