Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Study

So I was on Pinterest a few minutes ago (part of my "me" time) and I saw a pin about a new study linking the patience a mother has with her child and how smart the child is.  As most of you know, patience is not one of my strengths, so I was very intrigued by this.  I don't want my lack of patience hindering my children.  So, of course, I pinned it so I can always refer back to it and I followed the pin to this blog (there's a link to the entire study about half way down the page).  In a nutshell, the children of the mothers who were patient with them in a frustrating situation had a 10% increase in an area of the brain that controls short and long term memory. Check it out-it's very interesting!  I'm starting "new year resolution" 3 months late to be more patient with the girls.  I'm pretty patient with them during the day, but at night when I'm at my wit's end, I tend to get a bit snappy.  What do you think about the study?

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