Saturday, January 28, 2012

Welcome to the world Jasmine!

I know you've been dying to hear the story of how Jasmine made her entrance into the world-here it is!

It was about 8 in the morning on Sunday 1/22/12 when Gabby woke me up.  I sat up in bed to go to the bathroom and then my water broke.  At first I thought I had gone to the bathroom on myself, so I went to the bathroom and it definitely was not that.  I went into the living room where Tony was and told him I was pretty sure my water just broke.  He couldn't believe it either.  I was only 33 weeks-it couldn't be time.  So I called the doctor just to be sure and the nurse told me to go to the hospital.  As I walked back to the bathroom, my water broke some more.  There was no mistake-I was definitely in labor.

I told Tony to call my mom to come get Gabby.  While he was doing that, I had a melt down.  She's going to have complications, she's going to be tiny, she's going to be in the NICU forever, I haven't finished everything on my to do list before she gets here.  All of these things plus a thousand more were running through my head.  I was balling my eyes out.  It was just way too soon for her to come.  So we called my mom and I told her to come get Gabby because we had to go to the hospital.  She didn't ask questions, she just said, ok and came right over.

My mom and sister get to our apartment and they asked what was going on.  I told them my water broke and they reacted like Tony.  They were surprised too.  In the middle of all this, I decided I deserved a big glass of chocolate milk.  Tony was feeding Gabby breakfast and asked what I was doing.  I responded, "If I'm having a baby today, then I deserve some chocolate milk."  He just kept telling me to get dressed because we needed to leave.  So I finished my glass of chocolate milk and started getting Gabby's stuff together for my mom.  Then I decided to brush my teeth.  Tony comes in the bathroom and asks why I'm brushing my teeth and I said, "because my breath smells."  He just walked away lol. Oh and my contractions at this point were 2-3 minutes apart and coming hard.  I had to stop a couple times during my teeth brushing for the contractions.  So I finally get dressed and we head to the hospital.  The contractions were still coming hard and fast. I never realized why they call them Sunday drivers.  THEY WERE GOING SOOOOO SLOW! I kept telling Tony to honk at them to move over and to go faster but the roads were wet from the rain so he didn't go too fast, which I guess is a good thing.

We get to the hospital and were checked in at 9:34 am.  I was already dilated to a 5.  The nurse told me to go to the bathroom and put on the gown.  As soon as I got out of the bathroom, I told her I wanted an epidural.  She said I couldn't get it until my blood work came back, and they hadn't even drawn my blood yet.  I wasn't too happy about that.  As far as the actual labor goes...let's just say I wasn't too thrilled I didn't have the epidural yet.  And that poor nurse...I wasn't very nice to her.  I should probably stop by and apologize to her one day while I'm up at the hospital visiting Jasmine.  By the time the anesthesiologist got there, I was in so much pain.  I even told Tony at one point that we were done having kids.  No more.  I've since changed my mind :) So the doctor was prepping my back for the epidural when I had a "Holy cow I have to go the bathroom right this instant!" feeling.  The nurse told me that was the baby.  What??? She's already coming????? Tony said by the time I turned the 45 degrees to get into the position he could already see her head.  2 pushes and she was out! Our beautiful baby girl!

Jasmine was born at 10:27 am on Sunday, January 22, 2012.  Although she was 7 weeks early, she was a hefty 5 pounds and 17 inches long.

She's still in the NICU and will have to be there until at least February 5.  I hope no longer than that, but it all depends on her progress.  She's doing great, but her biggest struggle will be eating.  The part of the brain that controls the eating doesn't develop until 35 weeks, so that's still another week away.  I'm hoping it clicks sooner than that so she can come home.

I was worried that I wouldn't love Jasmine as much as Gabby.  Boy! was I mistaken!  I cannot believe how much I love her.  I hate that I only get to see her a couple times a day, but I am so grateful she's healthy and really doesn't have any complications.  We are truly blessed! Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  Keep them going!  I really want her home!  And an ENORMOUS thank you to our amazing Father in Heaven for blessing us with another beautiful baby girl.  Love to all!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas Pictures

Obviously, this was Gabby's first Christmas.  I went way overboard and bought all her gifts at garage sales.  I had no idea how much stuff we got her until I started wrapping them.  She still hasn't played with all of them yet, so I'm thinking about putting some away and regifting them for her FIRST birthday in April.  

All ready for bed! (yes, I took the tag off before she went to bed, but she had tons of fun playing with it before bed time)

 What Santa brought her-I told you I went overboard.  Oh and did you see her stocking-I made it!

Coming out of the room with Dada on Christmas morning.  We had to wake the sleeping beauty up.

Ready to go to church!

Her massive pile of gifts at my mom's house.  Most of them are from Mama and Dada-again, I probably need to re-gift some of them.

Her Uncle Michael got her this ride on toy and she LOVES it! I can't wait to use it to get the mail with her.

She loved Dada pushing her around in it.  
Just passing by...

She's Crawling!

For the past few days Gabby has been doing 2 crawls and then goes down to her belly.  We'd sit her back up and she'd do it again.  But today we decided to entice her with her new favorite snack-Gerber Graduates Lil' Crunchies.  She loves them so I thought it would work...AND IT DID!  Check out the video of our growing girl!

As far as a pregnancy update goes--I have less than 10 weeks left before the due date of March 11.  We've decided on a name-Jasmine.  We have yet to really even talk about a middle name, but we'll get on it soon.  I just can't believe she's almost here!  This pregnancy has flown by compared to Gabby.  And I'm sure it will go even faster now that Gabby is mobile.  I'll have to really keep an eye on our baby girl.  I'll post Christmas pictures soon-I just thought this was much better :)