Like I said, she really hasn't been fussy like we were expecting her too, then yesterday, OMG! I totally jinxed it. For about an hour she would not stop crying. And not just crying, screaming crying. I felt so horrible because there was nothing I could do. I gave her teething tablets, Tylenol, and even orajel (I know you're not supposed to use that, but I know infant CPR, so if she stops breathing, I know exactly what to do). I tried rocking her, bouncing her, walking around with her, all her toys, teething rings, ice in a wash cloth, freezing pacifiers, nothing would console her. I was crying too because I'm the mom--I'm supposed to make everything better and I couldn't. The Tylenol finally kicked in and she fell asleep after a good long while. *Sigh* RELIEF!
I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She is eating baby food like crazy too. She LOVES LOVES LOVES carrots and sweet potatoes, which isn't surprising because they're sweeter. And she pretty much detests peas, but I don't like those either so I don't care. It's probably time to switch her to stage 2 foods, but I stocked up on the stage 1 when they were on sale so I put a couple teaspoons of rice in the food to thicken it up and she still gobbles it down super fast.
GOOD NEWS! I found the cord to my camera so here are the pictures of her on the swing...look at my big girl!
Don't you just love that smile?
It still amazes me how much in love with her I am. I love you Gabby!
You are SO right! I never stopped being surprised by how much I love my kids. You just cannot understand it until you experience it!
ReplyDeleteShe is so stinking cute, I love the pictures! Hope her teeth feel better soon, but its a looooong process :( We are STILL waiting on Ian's last 3 eye teeth to come through!