The only thing she wasn't really doing on the list at 4 months is rolling over. She's done it before but not regularly. I, of course, wanted to make sure she does eveything on the list so this week we've been focusing on tummy time. She's been doing great-doing tons of push ups and turning around and now, yes, rolling over. Phew! She also discovered the jumparoo this week. We've put her in it before, but she never really caught on to the whole jumping thing. That all changed this week. When she realized that when she jumps, the music and lights come on....OMG! She goes crazy in it now! It's so funny to see her in it. She still only stays in it for abount 20 minutes, but hey....I can take a shower in 20 minutes! I love that she's discovered it. Now we need to get her to scoot more. Tony really wants her to start crawling soon-I don't mind if she holds off on that for a while, but I also don't want to hold her back from developing, so I'm taking a zen attitude on it. If she does it, great (we'll just need to get baby gates), and if she doesn't until she's 9 months, I'm TOTALLY okay with that too.
Now on to Baby Green. So we're 3 months along now. I'm still pretty nauseous. I hate it. I really hope that ends soon. I'm tired a lot, but that's to be expected the first trimester. We find out what we're having in 2 months, but I think its another girl, but ya never know...Here are the 2 sonogram pictures we have of our new Baby Green!