For those of you that don't see me regularly, here are some maternity pictures. My photographer friend Becky got some new wraps for pregnant women and she needed a model so I got some free maternity pictures. Here are the ones that are appropriate for all eyes to see. (I was 9 months pregnant when these were taken).
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sonogram Pictures
I know I have been absoultely horrible about keeping up with this blog. I thought I would go blog crazy, but nope. So....3 days before my due date, I've decided to FINALLY post the rest of the sonogram pictures we have.
When we went for our March checkup, Dr. White was doing the exam and he thought she was breech, so we got to do another sonogram! Turns out he was feeling her butt and not her head. She's got buns of steel baby!
This set is from October when we did our "peek" sonogram.

This set is from November when we checked for any deformities:
From top to bottom:
1. Profile of body-doesn't she look so cute?
2. Spine-isn't it such a good looking spine?
3. 1 foot
4. 2 feet
5. close up profile-she looks good huh?

Her nose and lips looked huge when he applied more pressure, then they thinned out when he didn't press down so hard, so who knows if she'll have big lips or a big nose...we'll find out soon enough!
April update:
We've been going to the doctor weekly now for the past month. At 36 weeks I was 80% effaced, but not dilated at all. He said that was a good sign and that I was farther ahead than most women at my stage in the pregnancy. I, of course, took that to mean I wouldn't go full term, which was fine with me because I was already super uncomfortable. Then, the day I was 38 weeks I just knew I was in labor. I was having contractions all night and they HURT! BUT...they weren't consistent. I would have them consistently about 2-3 minutes apart for 20 minutes and then nothing for 40 minutes, then they would start back up again. We decided not to go to the hospital, but we went to the OB the next morning, just to be sure. I wasn't dilated AT ALL! Nothing! The doctor said it was just intense Braxton Hicks because there was no dilation. Talk about a disappointment. I didn't know Braxton Hicks could hurt that bad. He told me to take it easy the rest of the day and I would either go into labor that night or I wouldn't. Obviously, I didn't. So, here I am, 3 days before my due date, and I haven't really had any contractions. We went ahead and scheduled an inducement date of Tuesday April 19, just in case she's late. I am set on inducing naturally at home if needed. I hate the idea of being medically induced, especially because I am doing the labor naturally, but we need to keep that option open as a last resort.
I promise I will do better about keeping up with this, especially now that I am not working. Tony and I are so excited for Gabrielle Rose to grace us with her presence...which will hopefully be soon. We love you guys and can't wait to tell you she's here!
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