Friday, September 24, 2010

Doctor Visit #2

We finally went back to the doctor yesterday. We got to hear the heartbeat! YAY! Our baby is a live one...160 beats per minute. We've heard wives tales that faster heartbeats, like this one, tends to be a girl, but our doctor wouldn't confirm or deny the sex this early on based on the heartbeat alone. He said, "I'll give you a 50/50 chance." Thanks doc...that really helps us out. He did say however that he will do a peek sonogram next month off the record just to see if we can see the sex. He said it's about a 70/30 shot we'll be able to tell in 4 weeks, so we're hoping our little baby will be positioned just right so mama can start shopping! He said all my blood work came back great and I even lost almost a pound since my last visit. I attribute that to the many episodes of preggo sickness I get on a weekly basis. He prescribed me Zophran which helps with the nausea, but not the random spurts that come from nowhere. And I'm supposed to take 2 a day but the pharmacy only gives you 20 at a time so those script copays will start to add up. I asked him if there was anything else I could do to help me keep my food down and there is! He said I could take a 1/4 of a unisom pill with a 25mg pill of B6 and the nausea and preggo sickness should basically completely go away. I was so happy to hear that! I can eat again! Hooray!

I've been having this pain in my butt. I know that sounds really weird but it hurts and I have it almost all the time, but usually only on my left side. So I pointed to the doctor where it was and he said that it was my SI joint. He said 1 in 4 women develop pain there because they are trying to help support the weight of the baby and your back tends to sway back a little which causes more pressure on that joint. He said I can put heat or ice on it and of course I can take tylenol. He also said I could rub that cream like icy hot on it as well but that stuff really burns so that will be a last resort.

So Tony and I are convinced I'm already showing. Several of our friends have said I'm not, but I swear my belly has gotten bigger...and it's just in my belly...well my butt too. So I asked the doctor about it because from what I've seen, most women don't start showing until their 2nd trimester. He said most women don't start showing until their 5th month but because I'm pretty small and it's my first baby, my body doesn't really know yet how to handle the little person inside me so he said it's normal and that I am already the doctor confirmed that I am not crazy for thinking this (thanks goodness!).

I can't say enough how amazing my wonderful husband is to me. Every time I get sick he asks if I'm okay and if there's anything he can do. He's such an awesome help and I am very very lucky to have him. So that's our update. Oh! And for those that don't know, my sisters due date is March 19, just 3 weeks before ours, so it's gonna be a blast having a double baby shower and being preggo together. She, Sam and Elizabeth will get here on October 13 and then Sam ships out on November 1 for ANOTHER stupid mission for 6 months so Krysten will be having the baby here. I'm so excited to share this experience with my big sis. It's gonna be soooo much fun!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


So nothing dramatic has happened since the last post, but I figured I would check in.

Tony and I are really curious about what we are going to have. Some of the ladies at Tony's work told him about an at home gender prediction test. It tests the gender of the baby as early as 6 weeks. We talked about it and decided to go to Walgreens and check it out. Those dang tests are $30! Are you kidding me? We're way too cheap for that. So we decided to hold off. We can use that $30 for our copay at our next visit to the OB, or get stuff for the baby, or just keep it in the account to use for something food. We're hoping we will have a good idea of what the baby is based on the heart beat next time we go to the doctor.

So I've only gained 2 pounds so far and I am already showing. I can't fit into ANY of my pre-preggo jeans, so today I had to wear the maternity jeans I bought on Thursday. I can't believe it! I'm only 8 weeks along. I shouldn't be this big yet. Tony and I think it's because I was already small to begin with and my torso isn't that big, so the baby has to go somewhere, which has caused my belly to grow out. I'm in the "I feel fat" stage. You can't really tell I'm pregnant; you can only see this big belly. I don't like it...not one bit! I knew your body changes but I didn't realize it would change this fast. Is that normal?

We bought a new couch today! We sold the couch and love seat we had on craigs list today and the new couch won't get delivered until Thursday-ish so we are without living room furniture for almost a week. Oh well. It's worth it. We bought a sectional so Tony can put his feet up. He's always wanted a sectional. We got a heck of a deal on it and it's really comfortable so we are really excited.

So that's what's been going on this week. Nothin too exciting, but such is life. It's nice to settle down and take that next step with the best man in the entire world :)