Thursday, August 26, 2010
They should really change the name...
So now we're about 7 weeks. The baby's head is starting to form now, but it still looks like an alien with a big tail.
Saturday was not a good day for me. I was sick literally all day long. Everything I ate made me even more sick. I finally decided not to eat, but then the hunger pains kicked in. I've decided to change the name from morning sickness to just plain pregnancy sickness. I hardly ever get sick in the morning so it just makes sense. Despite the baby hating everything I ingested, the weekend was actually a lot of fun. Grandma Judy and Aunt Beverly came to visit and I got to finally meet my great great aunt Joycie. She is an 85 year old woman living in North Richland Hills (??), not too far from where we live. Let me tell you, she is a hoot! She was cracking us up all weekend long! We went to see Aaron at the school he teaches at and Joycie heard the high school band practicing. So what did she do? Oh yes! She started shaking her little behind to the was hilarious!
I have started telling Tony this particular phrase: "baby says..." I think so far I've said things like, "baby says mom needs cookies and milk." "Baby says daddy be quite so mom can sleep." "Baby says mommy needs to watch 30 rock." I use the last one when Tony and I disagree on what to watch on TV. For the most part it works to get what I want, but sometimes Tony doesn't let it fly. Oh well...I'll keep saying it anyway.
So far I've only gained 1 pound, which I am actually quite surprised at. I eat soooo much it's unreal. I don't eat a lot in one sitting necessarily, but I feel like I am constantly eating. If I don't eat something every hour and a half I get sick all over again...go figure.
Other than my constant eating, I also have terrible preggo acne. I absolutely HATE it! AND!!!! There's not a lot you can do because your hormones are still gonna be out of whack so my OB said it probably won't get much better. Great....just great. Thankfully there is some prescription medication I can take to help it.
I know it seems like I'm so negative about this, but I am really sooooo happy we have been blessed with a child so soon. We were told we were going to have a hard time getting pregnant, so this is literally a miracle baby. Tony and I are so ecstatic to become parents of a little boy or girl and cannot wait for the next 8 months to be over with. We want the baby now! We don't want to wait anymore. Perhaps we are being a tad impatient but oh well!
Saturday was not a good day for me. I was sick literally all day long. Everything I ate made me even more sick. I finally decided not to eat, but then the hunger pains kicked in. I've decided to change the name from morning sickness to just plain pregnancy sickness. I hardly ever get sick in the morning so it just makes sense. Despite the baby hating everything I ingested, the weekend was actually a lot of fun. Grandma Judy and Aunt Beverly came to visit and I got to finally meet my great great aunt Joycie. She is an 85 year old woman living in North Richland Hills (??), not too far from where we live. Let me tell you, she is a hoot! She was cracking us up all weekend long! We went to see Aaron at the school he teaches at and Joycie heard the high school band practicing. So what did she do? Oh yes! She started shaking her little behind to the was hilarious!
I have started telling Tony this particular phrase: "baby says..." I think so far I've said things like, "baby says mom needs cookies and milk." "Baby says daddy be quite so mom can sleep." "Baby says mommy needs to watch 30 rock." I use the last one when Tony and I disagree on what to watch on TV. For the most part it works to get what I want, but sometimes Tony doesn't let it fly. Oh well...I'll keep saying it anyway.
So far I've only gained 1 pound, which I am actually quite surprised at. I eat soooo much it's unreal. I don't eat a lot in one sitting necessarily, but I feel like I am constantly eating. If I don't eat something every hour and a half I get sick all over again...go figure.
Other than my constant eating, I also have terrible preggo acne. I absolutely HATE it! AND!!!! There's not a lot you can do because your hormones are still gonna be out of whack so my OB said it probably won't get much better. Great....just great. Thankfully there is some prescription medication I can take to help it.
I know it seems like I'm so negative about this, but I am really sooooo happy we have been blessed with a child so soon. We were told we were going to have a hard time getting pregnant, so this is literally a miracle baby. Tony and I are so ecstatic to become parents of a little boy or girl and cannot wait for the next 8 months to be over with. We want the baby now! We don't want to wait anymore. Perhaps we are being a tad impatient but oh well!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Our First Trip to the Doctor
We finally went to see our OB, Dr. White, on Monday. It was amazing! We were able to do a sonogram and our little baby is 7.8mm long. That's about the size of an eraser on a pencil. He said we are 5 1/2 weeks along and the baby should be due on April 13. That is a Wednesday, not a Friday (yes, I checked). Unfortunately we couldn't hear the heartbeat yet. Apparently you can't hear it until about 6 weeks so we were just 3 days or so too early. He said we could go back next week to hear it but we decided to save that $30 and hear it next month. So of course, yesterday was an exciting day for us! Here are the two pictures we took home. Our little baby is in the black circle somewhere...
The doctor asked if I had an nausea and I told him just a little, but not a lot. He said one of the main things I can do to avoid nausea is not going long periods of time without eating...I don't think that's going to be a problem. Last night Tony made pancakes and bacon for dinner. I can usually only eat 2 but I had 3 and I was still hungry, but I ate the last one. I ate something else but I can't remember what it was. I don't know when cravings are supposed to kick in, but I've been craving mexican a lot lately. We went to bueno two days in a row last weeks and I begged Tony to go to a mexican restaurant for dinner on Saturday, but the doctor told me to stay away from spicy foods for the weekend, so we didn' sad.
So over the weekend I was having these really bad stomach pains. They felt kind of like cramps, but they were worse in my opinion. I told Tony and he immediately looked it up on google and concluded that it was not normal. I figured I was ok, but I called the doctor to make sure and apparently it is normal. They said my uterus is making room for the baby so I get the short end of the stick with the pains (which I'm okay with as long as I get a baby). So our first "scare" wasn't too bad.
Tony and I were talking over the weekend about what sex we wanted the baby to be. I want a boy first so our girl can have a big brother and get that "big brother" feeling when she's a little older like my brothers gave me. I have fallen in love with baby boy dress suits, Nike shocks, ties and sports apparel to deck out our little boy in. Tony on the other hand wants a girl. Now don't get me wrong, I can play dress up like no other and if we have a girl she's gonna be daaaang cute 24/7.....but I still want a boy first. Plus I know that if we have a girl first I'll never get to play with her because Tony will be spoiling her rotten all the time and then I'll be the mean parent and Tony will be the fun one. She'll want Tony more than me and I don't want that to be my first experience....maybe the 3rd time around jk!
Now I have to tell you the cutest thing Jason and Jenna (the kids I nanny) did. First, Jason. Last week I told Jason I had a baby in my tummy. He says, "no, that's not your baby; that's Jenna's. Here, you can have these stickers in your tummy." He proceeds to give me a page of magnets for his chore board thing. I thought that was hilarious! Then yesterday I was with Jenna in her room and she tells me, "I like the baby." I asked her, "What baby?" She replies, "the baby in your tummy." Is that not so flippin cute??
That's all for right now. Yay for the baby!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
We're Pregnant
I have decided to start a blog for the wonderful nine months of pregnancy. For those of you that do not know the story on how we found out we are pregnant, here it is!
A few times last week (August 1-7) I was nauseous but only "got sick" three times and it really was not even that much. Just enough to make the icky feeling subside. My mom automatically thought pregnancy (since that's what everyone assumes when a woman throws up). I assured her we weren't. I assumed it was because I was eating so much chicken and my body was telling me "Stop with the chicken! This is not a chick fil a commercial!" So Tony and I were discussing why I would be nauseous that Wednesday night. Of course, neither of us thought we were pregnant.
Then that Thursday night, the 5th, Tony was out with the missionaries at a baptism and I was home alone. I could not get full for anything! I probably ate 4 actual meals within a 4 hour period (no joke), and I was STILL hungry! So that's when I thought to myself, 'let me just take a test and see...just to rule it out.' So I took one, and went back to watching Forensic Files. I was in no rush to see the results because I just knew it would be negative. So on the next commercial break I went back to the bathroom and I saw 2 lines....wait a minute....2 lines means I'm can't be pregnant yet; there's no way! So I left it alone for a few more minutes and came back...there were still 2 lines. But I was really skeptical because both lines were not dark; one line was significantly lighter than the other. But the instructions said only 1 line meant negative and 2 meant positive. It finally hit me...yes you are pregnant! I jumped and screamed and then got down on my knees and thanked Heavenly Father for this miracle baby. Now, I had to tell Tony, but he was gone.

I called him and asked him when he was going to be home and he said he had to take the missionaries home then he wanted to get something to eat before he came home. He of coursed asked why. I told him we really needed to talk. "About what?" "We just need to talk." "Well can you give me a hint?" "Tony, I told you I don't like talking about important things over the phone. This needs to be discussed in person." He of course thinks I am mad at him for something and the missionaries apologized for getting him in trouble. He called again after dropping off the missionaries wanting to talk about it, but I insisted we needed to talk in person.
He gets home a few minutes later and I grab his hand and take him to the couch. I really had no clue how to start this conversation so I just said, "so....I'm pregnant." He immediately jumps off the couch, "Are you serious? Are you kidding me?" "2 lines means positive baby." He went to look at the test and he was skeptical too, so he told me to take another one, which I did and that was positive too.
If anyone knows Tony well enough, you know that he has to like quadruple check everything to make sure it is correct. He STILL didn't believe the two tests so he told me to take a different test, which I did and that was a clear 2 lines. He STILL wanted to be sure so he even took a test to make sure we were reading it right (yes he did!).
We then decided that 3 out of 3 wasn't bad. We drove over to my mom's to tell her in person since she only lives 5 minutes away. On the way there we called his mom and told her the news; she was so excited! We get to my mom's about 10:30 that night. Tony hid one of the tests in his pocket. We walked in and I called to mom, "mom...can you please come look at this?" She did not know Tony was there too so she thought I had a boil on my butt or something I did not want Tony to see (her words, not mine). She comes into the kitchen and I show her the test. She looks at us puzzled, like, ok......I haven't taken one of these is forever, what do you want? I told her, "2 lines means positive." She starts jumping and gets so excited too. We stayed for a few more minutes and then went home to finally get some sleep.
On the way home, Tony he said he wanted to be extra sure, so on the way to work in the morning, I stopped by Walgreens and got another brand (yes, a 4th test) and took it a work. I bought the EPT because it will say "pregnant" or "not pregnant." I got to work, played with the kids for a while and did my thing when I had the urge to pee. It of course came back "pregnant." I called the doctor for an appointment to get their test done and luckily they had an opening at 2:45 that afternoon.

So I take the test at the doctor and we wait in the room for the results. Dr. Gabriel comes in and says, so you think you're pregnant huh? We answer "yes" He says, "well, 5 out of 5 ain't bad." Tony and I look at each other and smile. Tony then asks the doctor, "So, are your tests pretty accurate?" (yes, he did!) Dr. Gabriel responds, "yeah they are." Then Tony says, "so you're saying she's pretty much pregnant right?" Dr. Gabriel responds, "No, I'm saying she is pregnant." That cracked me up. I love that man (Tony, not Dr. Gabriel).
After we left the Doctor we immediately started calling our immediate family (mom's first). Georgia (Tony's mom) goes, "so I can tell everyone now? I can send out a broadcast email to everyone I know?" She's so cute!
We do not know when we are due, but I think I am about 4-6 weeks along which will put us early to mid April. That means me and my sister, Krysten, are only 3 weeks apart! We go to the OB on Monday the 16th, so hopefully we will find out then, but it's still iffy.
So that's the story of how we found out. We are so excited to start this journey and become parents!
A few times last week (August 1-7) I was nauseous but only "got sick" three times and it really was not even that much. Just enough to make the icky feeling subside. My mom automatically thought pregnancy (since that's what everyone assumes when a woman throws up). I assured her we weren't. I assumed it was because I was eating so much chicken and my body was telling me "Stop with the chicken! This is not a chick fil a commercial!" So Tony and I were discussing why I would be nauseous that Wednesday night. Of course, neither of us thought we were pregnant.
Then that Thursday night, the 5th, Tony was out with the missionaries at a baptism and I was home alone. I could not get full for anything! I probably ate 4 actual meals within a 4 hour period (no joke), and I was STILL hungry! So that's when I thought to myself, 'let me just take a test and see...just to rule it out.' So I took one, and went back to watching Forensic Files. I was in no rush to see the results because I just knew it would be negative. So on the next commercial break I went back to the bathroom and I saw 2 lines....wait a minute....2 lines means I'm can't be pregnant yet; there's no way! So I left it alone for a few more minutes and came back...there were still 2 lines. But I was really skeptical because both lines were not dark; one line was significantly lighter than the other. But the instructions said only 1 line meant negative and 2 meant positive. It finally hit me...yes you are pregnant! I jumped and screamed and then got down on my knees and thanked Heavenly Father for this miracle baby. Now, I had to tell Tony, but he was gone.

I called him and asked him when he was going to be home and he said he had to take the missionaries home then he wanted to get something to eat before he came home. He of coursed asked why. I told him we really needed to talk. "About what?" "We just need to talk." "Well can you give me a hint?" "Tony, I told you I don't like talking about important things over the phone. This needs to be discussed in person." He of course thinks I am mad at him for something and the missionaries apologized for getting him in trouble. He called again after dropping off the missionaries wanting to talk about it, but I insisted we needed to talk in person.
He gets home a few minutes later and I grab his hand and take him to the couch. I really had no clue how to start this conversation so I just said, "so....I'm pregnant." He immediately jumps off the couch, "Are you serious? Are you kidding me?" "2 lines means positive baby." He went to look at the test and he was skeptical too, so he told me to take another one, which I did and that was positive too.
If anyone knows Tony well enough, you know that he has to like quadruple check everything to make sure it is correct. He STILL didn't believe the two tests so he told me to take a different test, which I did and that was a clear 2 lines. He STILL wanted to be sure so he even took a test to make sure we were reading it right (yes he did!).
We then decided that 3 out of 3 wasn't bad. We drove over to my mom's to tell her in person since she only lives 5 minutes away. On the way there we called his mom and told her the news; she was so excited! We get to my mom's about 10:30 that night. Tony hid one of the tests in his pocket. We walked in and I called to mom, "mom...can you please come look at this?" She did not know Tony was there too so she thought I had a boil on my butt or something I did not want Tony to see (her words, not mine). She comes into the kitchen and I show her the test. She looks at us puzzled, like, ok......I haven't taken one of these is forever, what do you want? I told her, "2 lines means positive." She starts jumping and gets so excited too. We stayed for a few more minutes and then went home to finally get some sleep.
On the way home, Tony he said he wanted to be extra sure, so on the way to work in the morning, I stopped by Walgreens and got another brand (yes, a 4th test) and took it a work. I bought the EPT because it will say "pregnant" or "not pregnant." I got to work, played with the kids for a while and did my thing when I had the urge to pee. It of course came back "pregnant." I called the doctor for an appointment to get their test done and luckily they had an opening at 2:45 that afternoon.

So I take the test at the doctor and we wait in the room for the results. Dr. Gabriel comes in and says, so you think you're pregnant huh? We answer "yes" He says, "well, 5 out of 5 ain't bad." Tony and I look at each other and smile. Tony then asks the doctor, "So, are your tests pretty accurate?" (yes, he did!) Dr. Gabriel responds, "yeah they are." Then Tony says, "so you're saying she's pretty much pregnant right?" Dr. Gabriel responds, "No, I'm saying she is pregnant." That cracked me up. I love that man (Tony, not Dr. Gabriel).
After we left the Doctor we immediately started calling our immediate family (mom's first). Georgia (Tony's mom) goes, "so I can tell everyone now? I can send out a broadcast email to everyone I know?" She's so cute!
We do not know when we are due, but I think I am about 4-6 weeks along which will put us early to mid April. That means me and my sister, Krysten, are only 3 weeks apart! We go to the OB on Monday the 16th, so hopefully we will find out then, but it's still iffy.
So that's the story of how we found out. We are so excited to start this journey and become parents!
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